If you're in the team - there's only
1 hour and 30 minutes left, and the
price to attend our '3 year birthday'
event in Orlando increases to $197.
Click here to claim your tickets. (we're live)
At our last event, I saw my old pal
Matt Gonzales - who I've known since
I've been 12 years old.
He got up and said:
I've known Dave for more than 20 years.
If he's done THIS over the last 20 years...
...what will the NEXT 20 YEARS look like?
I'm NOT missing the boat.
My question is - if we've done what
we've done in the last 3 years...
...what do you think we'll do over the
next 3?
Click here (EN members only)
I'll see you in Orlando.
-David Wood
P.S. You can join here, if you're not in.