* If you're on this list - you're probably
in Empower Network (about an 85%
chance). This is my 'swipe' list.
When you get an email here, copy the
message below, adding ?id=username
to the end of the link, and send it out
right away - these are the emails that
I send to my personal list, but with the
affiliate id's removed.
And yes - the price is increasing (less
than 30 minutes now - so hurry)
Register HERE.
*******start of email swipe*******
Actually, the price more than doubles.
Lock in access right now for only $7.
Because at midnight EST (30 minutes
or so) the price increases to $17.
...at $17 - you're still 'stealing' it.
And the price is going to increase AGAIN.
But you've missed out on the discount,
forever. And you're never going to be
able to get it back.
This is LITERALLY the formula that
will allow you to become 'unstoppable'
at recruiting effortlessly into any business.
I'm going to show you how to get on
the phone with people who want to buy
what you're selling - and get 95% of them
to pull out their credit card - and make a
This is The Top Producer Formula - LIVE
And you get to be in the training, as it's
created - broadcast live around the world
from our studio.
This is the most valuable purchase that
you've ever made.
The best $7 that you've ever spent.
If you 'had' plans to do something else
this Saturday - cancel them.
Because you've decided to buy this.
Because this is the formula to creating
'effortless' sales results in your business.
And your time is running out.
I'll see you on the broadcast.
Click here and watch this, the video
explains everything in detail.
* just do it before midnight - this is
your last chance.
-David Wood
P.S. Click here for our Average Earnings Disclosure.
Layla Black thinks the Top Producer Formula
is so valuable - she's watching it with her daughter:
Don't let that baby out recruit you in your business.
Click here now and lock in your spot.